Thursday, July 20, 2023

Missing Pet? Go to your Local Shelter Facilities!

Your pet has been missing - maybe the new puppy slipped out the door, or your cat escaped through an open window....and you're understandably frantic. You've probably already contacted the SPCA, animal control facility, local Humane Society, etc....but have you gone there? Taken a flyer for them to post in the lobby and on their social media? Don't delay, go TODAY!

What you may have described as your beloved lost pet may not be what someone else thinks they look like - even if you've sent out a flier or missing pet poster. Factors such as:

  • How a photo is taken - daytime picture vs night, changes in the lighting, and even how an animal is standing can SIGNIFICANTLY alter how a pet may appear in a small or blurry picture.
  • Some people hear a type of breed and instantly conjure up an image in their mind of what that type of dog could look like. Thus, if your pet is a mixed breed, it may not be recognized by a rushed shelter worker as your lost pet.
  • A wet, dirty, or matted dog with long hair will appear very different than a fluffy pet posing under the Christmas tree. It's entirely possible for someone to overlook a potential match simply because the photo you used on a flier doesn't accurately depict the animal!

Please. GO TO the facilities in your area, speak with workers and volunteers, and make sure everyone knows exactly what you are missing. Always use the best picture possible in your flier - better yet, use two showing different angles.

P.S. this is another reason why you need to make good posters for your lost pet search. Not a blurry screenshot post with little information, a real flier including all the essential details (date lost, landmark or cross street, contact info, color, weight, etc.) I promise you these details can make the difference.

Established in 2011 as Delmarva's original lost pet network, we now cover Sussex County, Delaware along with the lower eastern shore of Maryland and Accomack & Northampton Counties in Virginia.